Looking for an Asbestos Services Company in Orange County?

Posted on September 20, 2013 in Blog

Asbestos Testing Orange CountyH2 Environmental Consulting Services can facilitate everything needed for an asbestos remediation project

Asbestos is a hazardous material, and dealing with even the suspicion of possibly having asbestos-containing materials on your property can be stressful. Fortunately, you can rely on H2 Environmental Consulting Services to help you every step of the way. We offer a complete slate of asbestos management services, and we can help with everything from initial asbestos testing in Orange County CA to removal of contaminated materials to obtaining final clearances for reoccupancy. Here’s an overview of the services we can provide as your asbestos services company in Orange County CA.

Sample-Taking and Asbestos Testing

H2 Environmental can help you determine once and for all if there are any asbestos-containing materials on your property. Our expert personnel can not only inspect the property visually for suspicious materials, but also take samples for asbestos testing in Orange Country CA. Our technicians follow special safety protocols to ensure that the act of taking the sample doesn’t result in the very contamination we’re trying to avoid. All samples taken are sent to a qualified lab for testing to determine the asbestos content.

Remediation Site Design

If asbestos-containing materials are found on your property, we can help you get rid of them. We can connect you with an expert asbestos removal contractor as well as provide the detailed site specs required for safety and for compliance with all relevant asbestos rules and regulations. The typical remediation site design plan includes requirements for sealing the area off completely, as well as the placement of an “airlock” type entrance and exit to prevent asbestos dust from escaping the worksite on workers’ clothing. We will also include a plan for setting up a sealed ventilation system that will filter all air before it leaves the worksite.

Asbestos Air Testing

We can provide the ongoing asbestos air testing that is necessary during a remediation project. This testing serves to confirm that all the safety measures set up in our site design are working properly and no harmful asbestos dust is escaping to contaminate other parts of the property.

Final Inspections & Clearance

Asbestos air testing in Orange County CA is also necessary at the end of a project. After the site has been thoroughly cleaned, we can test your air to make sure that the area is safe for reoccupancy. We can also help you with completing other necessary final inspections procedures and complying with relevant rules and regulations.

Employee Education

Sometimes it may not be possible or practical to remove the asbestos completely. If your employees may come into contact with asbestos-containing materials on your property in the course of their jobs, you have an obligation to inform them of this hazard and educate them about proper protocols for handling asbestos. H2 Environmental can assist with this through our Asbestos Awareness training program.